I plan on trying to keep this short and sweet but the trip was amazing. I really did nothing but hang out with a couple of my best friends which was heaven for me. The next day I woke up and I did what I did every morning snuggle with a blanket and not want to start moving. Normally on significant holidays and such I wake up and turn on the T.V to see if a special is on, but for me it was just Feb. 14th like it has always been. Just plain old Feb 14th 3 days after my Dads birthday and 3 days after USA beat mexico in soccer.
When I came home from a fun filled night with my most recent friends (still not sure if they consider me a friends but we shall see) I was in a great mood because A. I got some new clothes without trying to kill somebody, although I couldn't have done it without the two lovely girls B. I went to Sonic YES! The fast food chain sukka! And C. I just had a good time doing nothing. But I was driving home from Orland and I wasn't in the mood for anything so I turned on the radio and WGN was one because I caught the Hawks pre game on it and all of a sudden my eyes opened up.
It was the Nick Degillio Anti- St. Valentines Day Spectacular. Now Nick is a man and by man I mean friends that I will "have a drink with him and let him throw up in my car" type of man (he always says that) and he had it right. Why should you be forced to be in a romantic mood because someone wants you too? Won't that make it kinda fake. If I am with somebody and I have a bad day at school or work why should it be different that I am not romantic on Feb 14th? Shouldn't you be loving and that junk every day? Truthfully I hate holidays like this. I don't remember their dates. It will bite me in the ass later on but it just seems fake. This might be a little vulgar but why should somebody say "I love you.....yatty yatty yatta" just to get inside their pants? Now, there are some great geuine people out there who may mean it and all that but as an 18 year old I have no idea what love is yet. All I know is that i don't have all the answers.
Thought of the Day: I don't have all the answers...If I did I would run for God