Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mass Confusion at Eastern Illinois University

Lets face it walking to class blows. The worst part is passing kids who are done for they day and you are just getting started. Today I am furious mainly because I am cold, tired, and a long ways away from my class. So I decided to have a wee bit o fun with myself. I noticed that nobody looks each other in the eye when they pass each other and when they do and eye contact is made they look away. I figured hell since I don't know these people and don't really care what they think I will stare one person down and not break it off. So it started with this one girl walking with friends. Kinda of attractive and boom eye contact was made now at this point I was not ballsy and doing funny looks but just the normal eye contact as she got closer she would look away and check back and see me and look away again. When she passed by I couldn't help but laugh and for once I made somebody else feel really awkward. As woman number 1 passed I waited 10 secs the looked back and bam eye contact again. I broke out in laughter, this worked out pretty good. One day I figure I will get the pepper spray one day if I keep this up. I think its worth it though. 

The second time was this one kid he was pretty big walked like he had muscles the size of Uganda. I have no idea if Uganda is big but lets pretend that it is. He was walking shorts, and a golds gym sweatshirt. So I figured lets just risk it. O yeah its freezing and snowing out and this bhoyo is in shorts. But anywho I was getting worried no eye contact was made but as soon as he got withing 15 feet he looked over and he was locked. The stare down! Eyes locked just mono e mono. I slowed up my walk to allow more time and his face began to turn awkward and bam the double and triple take. Hahaha I couldn't stop laughing at myself I mean come on this kid felt awkward around me. He had like 5 of his friends around him and the whittle guy made him feel awkward. Just a small little victory on my way to class. O yeah class was cancelled! LETS GO!!!!

Why I am writing this? I have no idea. I think that this helps in my lack of self confidence sometimes around strangers. But its also a fun game. On the way back I had a few notables but nothing as spectacular some people just doing the double take. But its a fun game to play walking in public places or just walking to and from class. I am gonna play this game everyday not with the same people because, as my buddy Danndy Dire on wheel football factorweese, "Things are gonna get naughty!"

Thought of the Day:  What movie do you most want to see? I want to see Grand Torino, just because of Clint.  


  1. haha that sounds funny, and i can totally see you doing it. i'm glad you beat that meat head with da bhoys!

  2. The movie I wanna see most is the one I am working on rite now - "Everyday Life : The Pursuit". If I see it, it means I'm done with it.

  3. And Ms. Sarajevo - what are you doing up @ 5.38am??
